RODIN, DEMO-RODIN, and NANO-RODIN: three bilateral projects between Italy and Québec

Three bilateral projects RODIN, NANO-RODIN, DEMO-RODIN projects are respectively funded by

    • the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE - Ministero degli Affari Esteri), Directorate-General for Country Promotion, as a high-relevance bilateral project within the Italy-Québec Executive Program for Scientific and Technological Cooperation for the periods 2011-2013 (RODIN) and 2014-2016 (NANO-RODIN).
    • the Québec Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation and Export (MDEIE - Ministère du Développement économique, de l'Innovation ed de l'Exportation) through the Program for supporting International Initiatives of Research and Innovation (PSR-SIIRI) for the period 2012-2014.